Three forms of annual meeting
First, the meeting of the annual planning:
As the name suggests, the annual planning meeting is a form of the meeting oriented, mainly for leadership speech, guest addresses, each department is responsible for the review of a year of work, the focus of such annual planning is the venue of the momentum and flow smoothly, in addition, if the number of guests, should pay attention to the reception etiquette also, you can add some lottery and other entertainment games, will make the atmosphere of the venue is slightly relaxed.
In second, the annual planning
type variety
The variety type annual planning refers to the whole year plan will be relaxed around the theme, to make each people feel this atmosphere, emphasis should be placed on the show collocation, not only have the staff performances, but also please professional performers, in order to increase the entertainment.
Third, a comprehensive annual planning:
Comprehensive annual planning is the combination of the above two forms, not only have the report form of speech, but also a variety of entertainment, the entertainment work for two, compared with the above two forms, the difficulty slightly comprehensive annual planning more emphasis should be placed on the annual planning process, and the collocation of leadership talk time and show time on how to grasp the audience through the process of emotion is the annual planning personnel should pay attention to.